
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Contextualizing Argument Quality Assessment with Relevant Knowledge

Published in NAACL-2024, 2024

This work proposes SPARK: a novel method for scoring argument quality based on contextualization via relevant knowledge, and devise four augmentations that leverage large language models to provide feedback, infer hidden assumptions, supply a similar-quality argument, or a counterargument.

Recommended citation: Deshpande, D., Sourati, Z., Ilievski, F., & Morstatter, F. (2023). Contextualizing Argument Quality Assessment with Relevant Knowledge. ArXiv, abs/2305.12280.

Robust Text Classification: Analyzing Prototype-Based Networks

Published in arXiv, 2023

A modular and comprehensive framework for studying Prototype Based Networks (PBNs), which includes different backbone architectures, backbone sizes, and objective functions is designed, which shows that the robustness of PBNs transfers to NLP classification tasks facing realistic perturbations.

Recommended citation: Sourati, Z., Deshpande, D., Ilievski, F., Gashteovski, K., & Saralajew, S. (2023). Robust Text Classification: Analyzing Prototype-Based Networks. ArXiv, abs/2311.06647.

Robust and explainable identification of logical fallacies in natural language arguments

Published in Knowledge Based Systems, 2023

This paper formalizes prior theoretical work on logical fallacies into a comprehensive three-stage evaluation framework of detection, coarse- grained, and fine-grained classification, and employs three families of robust and explainable methods based on prototype reasoning, instance-based reasoning, and knowledge injection.

Recommended citation: Sourati, Z., Venkatesh, V. P. P., Deshpande, D., Rawlani, H., Ilievski, F., Sandlin, H., & Mermoud, A. (2023). Robust and explainable identification of logical fallacies in natural language arguments. Knowledge-Based Systems, 266, 110418.